Army Book 562
There was an "Army Book 562" for each military vehicle. It was more than just a registration document. Apart from serial numbers it also contained
asset codes, key numbers & quantities, the reliability classification, servicing history, workshop repairs, engine & gearbox change histories,
modifications., etc. Consequently, if you are lucky enough to have this book for your vehicle,
it makes very interesting reading.
Automatic Data Processing Conversion, which means the vehicle data was then entered into a computer system. This could take several weeks after it was received into the depot
the Army Pay Office at Ashton-under-Lyme
Colour code
The colour code describes the colour and finish of a vehicle. The first digit describes the colour, and the second the finish.
Colour |
Finish |
- 0_ Multi
- 1_ Red
- 2_ Blue
- 3_ Yellow
- 4_ Brown
- 5_ Black
- 6_ Orange
- 7_ Green
- 8_ White
- 9_ Grey or Silver
- A_ Army Green
- B_ Beige
- C_ Army Commercial Colour
- C3 Beige/Stone
- CH Champagne
- G_ Gold
- N_ RN Blue
- N3 Grey/Green
- NI N/K Northern Ireland
- P_ Purple
- Q_ Turquoise
- R_ RAF Blue
- S_ Sand
- V_ Silver
- Z_ Bronze
- _1 Matt
- _2 Gloss
- _3 Trade Finish
- _4 Disruptive Pattern
- _5 Distinctive Pattern
- _6
- _7 Disruptive Pattern
- _8 Distinctive Pattern
Central Vehicle Depot, Ashchurch
Date in service
The date of a transaction, such as delivery or acceptance of a vehicle.
Unit Identification Number. Originlly it was the Unit Imprest Number, describing the Unit Imprest Account of the unit to the Royal Army Pay Corps (RAPC), though its value became apparent outside the RAPC and it evolved into the Unit Identitification Number.
Army units always began with A and permanent units always ended with A
Vehicle Book Processed. This meant that the details of Army Book 562 were entered onto database. There would probably be an ADPCON DATE, and often this is withing a few days of the vehicle arriving at the depot.
Vehicle Book Transferred (possibly) with a date. This means details of the event, with a date, had been entered into Army Book 562.
Vehicle Depot, Ashchurch, Gloucestershire
Vehicle Supply Depot