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Both the Reserve Units (TA) and the Junior Leaders (RAOC) have requested that their material should be freely available. All the items that can be downloaded are listed on this page

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Reserve Units (TA)

Junior Leaders (RAOC)

To visit the original Junior Leaders website please click here

Attestation papers1941
Army pay book1951
Pink hair ban1951 - 1953
Army Certificate of Education, Junior test1954
Army Certificate of Education, Intermediate test1954
Letter requesting parental consent for enlistment1957
Recruiting brochure for the Junior leaders School1957
Recruiting brochure for the Junior leaders School1957 - 1963
Army Certificate of Education, Junior test1958
Army Certificate of Education, Intermediate test1958
Recruitment brochure, Junior leaders1958 - 1960
Enf of term report, Christmas term1959
Recruiting brochure for the Junior leaders School1960 - 1965
Form Prize, Summer term1962
Hill Platoon, list of names1963
Certificate of service1964
Weekly rates of pay1965
Letters from Roy to Mum1966 - 1967
letter explainign easter Holiday changes1970
Final report, Apprentices College1971
Letter of acceptance1971
End of term report, Spring term1972
Educational report, Summer term1973
End of Summer term report1973
End of term report, Summer term1973
Apprentices College, Acceptance certifcate1974
Educational report, Winter term1974
End of term report, Winter term1974
Recruiting brochure for the Apprentices College1974 - 1977
Certificate of discharge1975
Pay scale on reaching 18 years of age1975
Certificate - external leadership1977
Junior Army Acceptance certificate1978
Junior Army Acceptance certificate1979
Certificate - Acceptance Parade1979
Certificate - Acceptance (as a Junior Craftsman)1979
Letter of appointment to the regular Army1981
Joining instructions1983 - 1984
College prizewinnwers, 1983 - 41983 - 1984
Freddom Parade programme1985
Inter-Company boxing competition1985
Junior leaders disposal role1986
Memories of ex Boy Cpl. John Porter1934
List of Wartime Boy Soldiers by Jim Searle1943
Serving his Majesty the King by Jim Searle1943
Intake No. 7 RAOC Enlisted Les Nicholass1944
Enlisted Boys Training Wing by Peter Gibson1947
Enlistment into the RAOC Boy's School by Roy Jacklin1950 - 1951
Passing Out of the RAOC Boy's School by Roy Jacklin1951
Memories of Haslar by Bob Walker1951 - 1953
Memories by Dennis Kilbride1951 - 1954
Memories of an ex Boy Soldier by Terry Cook1954 - 1956
Remembering CSM "Baggy" Hall by Bob Crickard1954 - 1957
The Toy Soldiers Display by Bob Crickard1954 - 1957
Lumba and Mike by Bob Crickard1954 - 1957
Boy Soldiers Monami & Jinks by Bob Crickard1954 - 1957
Hogmanay by Bob Crickard1954 - 1957
The Autumn Years by Peter Roberts1954 - 1957
RAOC/REME Junior Leaders by Capt. John K. Head1956 - 1963
On being a "Boy" by Rod Steed1957 - 1958
Memories by Capt. "Jack" Thompson1957 - 1960
Recollections by Chris McHale1958 - 1960
The first day by Roy Venables1958
My memories by "Bill" Chamberlain1958 - 1959
Memories of William "Bill" Boyd , Baker Platoon1958 - 1960
My Boy's Service by Stuart Madden1958 - 1961
Bodmin Moor + map Geoff Malthouse & Roy Venables1958 - 1961
Vic Kerry remembers by Lionel Victor (Vic) Kerry1959 - 1960
Memories of a Junior Leader by Geoff Malthouse1959 - 1962
My Time as a Junior Leader by Eddie Hillan1959 - 1960
The Brave SSgt Scott by Keith Reed1960 - 1961
The cold Winter of 61/62 by George Tether & Chris Kimpton1961 - 1962
Nominal Roll of Steevens Platoon by Chris Kimpton1961 - 1963
Junior Leaders Training & Hill Platoon by Richard Bond1961 - 1963
What if ? By Rod Craigie1961 - 1963
Memories of John McQuiggan1962 - 1965
Memories of J/RSM Allan Jones1963 - 1966
Remembering by Peter Fellows1964 - 1966
A JUNIOR LEADER OF MEN? by Paul (Ambrose) Thomas1965 - 1966
Recollections of Jnr Ldrs?. by Ralph "the Tash" Fella1965 - 1967
Bruce Spenser MSc MCIOB reflects on the past 60 years of his life.1968 - 1971
Part I of "Blackdown" by Brian Stoddart1969 - 1971
Part II of "Blackdown" by Brian Stoddart1969 - 1971
Mulcahy Plattoon by Ivan Sangster1969 - 1971
Cutforth Platoonl Chris Malbon remembers...1973
A day in April Tom Orrock remembers...1975
Thinking back... by Kev (Taff) Duggan1979 - 1980
Best time of my Life... by Frederick Peacock1979 - 1980
Bond Troop ... by Christopher Byers1987 - 1988
Invitation to Humpty Dumpty (Pantomime of sorts)2000

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